Relive the magical world of Harry Potter with this Cedric Diggory Figure Set, inspired by the iconic character portrayed by Robert Pattinson in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Known for his charm, bravery, and sportsmanship, Cedric is brought to life in brick figurine form, complete with unique accessories that celebrate his story.
Hufflepuff apparel: Cedric Diggory is dressed in his unique Hufflepuff robe, featuring the iconic Hufflepuff logo and proudly showcasing the signature colors for Hufflepuff
Triwizard Cup: Accompanying Cedric is the Triwizard Cup, intricately designed to capture the iconic trophy from the legendary tournament, this piece is the perfect nod to Cedric's heroic role in Triwizard Tournament
Cedric Diggory Wand: Like any wizarding student at Hogwarts, Cedric relies on his wand to perform magic, and this essential accessory is, of course, included in the minifigure set
Quidditch Broom: In the world of Harry Potter, Quidditch is a hugely popular sport, and as the captain of the Hufflepuff team, Cedric Diggory’s skill and leadership shine. Naturally, we included his Quidditch broom in this set to honor his accomplishments on the Quidditch field
Golden Snitch: As one of the select few to have ever caught the Golden Snitch, Cedric’s achievement is celebrated with its inclusion in this set!
Quidditch Field: Given his many achievements in the game of Quidditch, a Quidditch field serves as the perfect background
Bring the magic of Cedric Diggory's journey to life—complete your collection with this detailed minifigure set today!